uat Calculator Admin
Flex 2010
Flash 2009
Global Settings
> Credit Card Repayment Global Settings
<calculator> <vos> <common> <!--<AssumptionText type="cdata"><![CDATA[<p><b><font size="+1">Calculator Information</font></b></p><p>The Credit Card Repayments Calculator allows you to compare different scenarios to see how long it will take to pay off your credit card and how much interest is paid when you make the minimum repayment or if you were to make higher repayments.</p>]]></AssumptionText>--> <AssumptionText type="cdata"><![CDATA[<p><b><font size="+1">Calculator Information</font></b></p><p>The Credit Card Repayments Calculator allows you to compare different scenarios to see how long it will take to pay off your credit card and how much interest is paid when you make the minimum repayment or if you were to make alternative repayments.</p><p>It is assumed that there are no additional charges made on the credit card and that no cash advances are made using the credit card.</p><p>This calculator assumes that the credit card provides no interest-free period.</p><p>The interest rate is the annual rate of your credit card and is compounded monthly.</p><p>The calculations assume that the balance outstanding on the credit card never exceeds the limit on the credit card and that all payments are made on time without any overdue charges levied.</p>]]></AssumptionText> </common> <creditCard> <BalanceOutstanding type="num" default="10000" min="0" max="1000000" step="1000" /> <InterestRate type="num" default="15.50" min="0" max="30" step="0.25" /> <AnnualFee type="num" default="30" min="0" max="1000" step="10" /> <MinRepaymentAmount type="num" default="10" min="0" max="100000" step="100" /> <MinRepaymentPerc type="num" default="2.50" min="1.00" max="100" step="0.25" /> <MinRepaymentCalculated type="num" default="250" max="100000" /> <HigherRepayment type="num" default="300" min="10" max="1000000" step="100" /> <BalanceOutstandingForm label="Balance Outstanding" /> <InterestRateForm label="Interest Rate" /> <AnnualFeeForm label="Annual Fee" /> <MinRepaymentAmountForm label="Minimum Repayment Allowed($)" /> <MinRepaymentPercForm label="Minimum Repayment Allowed(%)" /> <HigherRepaymentForm label="Make An Alternate Repayment" /> <SmartPhoneFirstPageHeading label="Credit Card Details" /> <SmartPhoneSecondPageHeading label="Credit Card" /> <BalanceOutstandingSliderStepRanges value="0,10000,30000,5000000" /> <BalanceOutstandingSliderStepValues value="100,1000,5000" /> <BalanceOutstandingInputMax value="1000000" /> <HigherRepaymentSliderStepRanges value="0,20000,50000,100000" /> <HigherRepaymentSliderStepValues value="100,1000,5000" /> <HigherRepaymentInputMax value="1000000" /> <MinRepaymentAllowedSliderStepRanges value="0,20000,50000" /> <MinRepaymentAllowedSliderStepValues value="100,1000" /> <MinRepaymentAllowedInputMax value="100000" /> </creditCard> </vos> </calculator>